Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Intentional Running

It's crazy to think about, but I have been running for 10 years-- a decade. I started running my freshman year of high school. A couple of my friends ran before school and it sounded like fun. Once I got into it, I never really stopped. Over the years, I have learned a lot about running, but there is always so much more to learn. I hope you will join in with comments, tips and questions.

It was only a couple years ago that I really began to run with purpose. I started training for my first race and started analyzing how I run with specific goals in mind. I never made it to my first half-marathon, but the next year I came back strong and completed my first ever 10 mile race. Now, any time I head out the door, I set a goal for my run. Sometimes it's to keep a certain pace, sometimes it's to think about a specific topic. My "intentional running" has helped me stay motivated and get through bumps in the road.

Today was my first good run in weeks. I have had bad luck between getting sick, the ice storm, and pulling muscle in my leg. My only goal for today's run was to have a good time and I did!

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